Date #13
I had an awesome date planned for this coming Saturday.
I had the babysitter all lined up.
I had my schedule all line up.
But I didn't have D's schedule all lined up, nor my nephew's.
Turns out D has to work Saturday and my nephew has a birthday party, and though neither of those are BAD things, they just put a damper on what I had in mind.
But we can't just NOT have a date night....
So, yesterday I decided that this week we'd have a movie night after the kids went down and make up for Saturday's date next week.
By the time the babies went down, I had the REDBOX movie all picked out (one that D really wanted to see), the blankets all ready to be snuggled under, and the remote ready at hand.
And we snuggled and enjoyed the movie together until it was much too late for my little early-to-bed self.
It was nothing fancy or unique, but it was so fun to just BE together.
Just snuggling without worrying about getting back to the kids or a bill or a drive home.
It was just us.
And JUST US is what this dating thing is all about. :)
Home dates are good for a change. Though they are not as exciting to blog about and report on, they are relaxing and completely stress-free. No worrying about getting back to the kids on time or anything like that.