Sunday, January 2, 2011

Save the Date: Mindy's Input

I’ve heard many stories lately of couples who fall in love, get married, have families, careers, and basically share their lives with each other. Then when the time comes for their kids to leave their nest and start their own lives the couples either split, they continue to live together miserably, or they have to get to know each other all over again.

Now I’m not here to pass judgment or criticize because that is not my place and who am I to do that? All I can figure is that, for whatever reasons, at some point along their road together, those couples fell out of love or stopped developing their relationship. They put each other in the back seat and their kids, jobs, the PTA, or they themselves took the front seat. Maybe their love never developed into the kind of love that can endure, or that they want to endure.

Whenever I have heard of those kinds of stories, it makes me sad first, and then it kind of freaks me out. It makes me take a good, hard look at my marriage and how we are doing together. Are we still courting each other? Are we being givers and not takers? Are we giving 50% because we feel like we are only getting 50%? Are we giving 100%, but only because we are focused on the 100% we feel like we should be receiving? Are we living life together or just living parallel lives? Do we laugh and have fun together like we did when we were dating? Is our relationship deeper than when we started out (emotionally, spiritually, and intimately)? Do we talk about our feelings and our deepest desires? Or do we just remind each other to take the trash out on trash day, and say “please pass the salt” at dinner time?

Well I could go on and on, but the main point I am trying to make here is this: I want to be the couple, that when our kids are gone and we face each other, it won’t feel like we are facing a stranger. I want to shut that door after our last kid leaves home and be totally comfortable and excited for the time we get to be together one-on-one. It won't be the start of a new adventure together, but just a continuation of an ongoing adventure that started long ago.

And that’s where Save the Date comes in for us. What better way to focus on us as a couple, than taking a little bit out of each week (52 weeks to be exact!) to play, laugh, and remember how our life together started in the first place?

And begins!

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