Monday, July 18, 2011

Stretching the Jazz

Date #28

As I've said, July has been hard for dating...

But I bought a great GROUPON to the Jazz Fest up in Salt Lake, so instead of begging someone to take our kids, I made the call and decided that the cultural experience (plus the awesome jazz music---my FAVE) would do the kids some good....even though I bought the tickets hoping to have it be just for me and D to use together.

Well, here's our "JUST HIM AND ME" picture even though our kids were with us. The music was A.W.E.S.O.M.E as I had expected and the kids LOVED it too, which I hadn't expected. D was a little annoyed that we brought the kids, but oh well.

-I- had a great time. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and make yourself LOVE where you are even if you don't LOVE where you are.

And anywhere with D is a good place to be, so I loved the "date" even though it was a bit of a stretch for him. Sigh. Oh well.

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