Friday, March 18, 2011

Make 'Em Laugh

M + R
Date #11
Wiseguys Comedy Club

I've never been to a comedy club before. This was new for us both. We got there and found our seats, ordered a little something to snack on during the show. There was a host, and middle act, and then the main comedian.

It was so so funny!!! I don't enjoy overly crude humor, so we got lucky and this comedian kept things pretty clean. Though Hubby and I didn't spend this whole date talking, it was good to try something new and LAUGH a ton. I love to hear my husband laugh. Really-watching him laugh is entertainment in itself. We both really had a good time and definitely plan on a repeat with this date.

After Wiseguys, we walked around Trolley Square. There are lots of dreamy stores, like Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn Kids, Restoration Hardware, and Williams & Sonoma. Then a stop in Whole Foods....and then back to reality and my poor screaming baby. She did not enjoy her first time away from her mama for more than 2 hours. We're going to have to work on that.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome idea! looks like every one is keeping it up and having FUN! =)
