Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Delightful Dinner Date

Date #22

Date #22

We decided on a double date this week.  We were going to do one thing, but it was not meant to be, so we decided to hit up a local Thai restaurant around the corner.  We had the entire restaurant to ourselves (seriously, no one else came in to eat - can't understant why - it was really good!) It was delicious and the best part was that we had lots of time to just sit and talk.  Sometimes we don't have enough time just to socialize when we go out and we feel we are often rushing back to relieve the babysitters.  But this date was all about laughing and chatting and enjoying a couple hours away with nothing to fill the time but great friends.  I think more dates should be just getting together with friends with nothing in particular planned.


  1. I can't figure out why the top of the blog keeps getting cut off! I've tried a couple of different blog backgrounds...any ideas?!

    T&D, we really had a fun time at the Tai place! I was just telling D I liked it just as much, if not more (gasp) than Tai Village! Super yummy.

    And I agree, totally. Its super fun to have a grand old date planned, but chatting with great friends and not worrying about time is just as fun. Huggers

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What Thai place is this? Is it the one in Lehi? If not, we need to know about it. R loves Thai.
