Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dinner with the Dark Lord

Date #11
Dinner and a book

{What a dorky title} ; )

Boy did we need this date! It's been too long. We're lagging behind on our
dates, but we're going to try and start them up again.

Tonight we got dinner at Flour Girls and Dough Boys.

With Brad's work schedule, sometimes he doesn't come home for days, and sometimes we don't even get to talk on the phone, so these dates are really important to us. We both felt like we hadn't seen each other for a week, so it was REALLY good to sit WITHOUT the kids and catch up on what we've missed from each other's lives the past three days.

We sat outside, where we could be alone.
We ate. We talked. I showed him some of the moves I learned in self defense. He told me about the things he saw and did at work the past few days. I caught him up on what the kids have been doing and saying. We really needed that time to RECONNECT.

We hadn't been to Flour Girls and Dough Boys for probably two years and it was SO. STINKING. GOOD!!

I don't know if I was just REEEALLY hungry, but everything we ordered was DIVINE. B and I LOVE to eat, so we ordered a few things to share: Meat pie (yum yum YUM. the crust was so good), a turkey/cranberry/brie sandwich, a blueberry/apple/walnut salad, some pumpkin cake, and a shortbread chocolate chip cookie. oh
my heavens, it was good!

Then I read some Harry Potter to the husband. We're on the fourth book and loving it, of course.

Thanks for babysitting, J+D!!


  1. I think that sounds like a lovely date. I think it's cute that you guys read the books together too! Glad you guys got to have a night to yourselves.

  2. When D and I were first married we would read together all the time...we read The Chronicles of Narnia series, some other stuff of C.S. Lewis', the scriptures several times over, etc.

    We haven't read together in a long time. You've inspired me to pick it back up! Its so fun! We'll have your boys (and girlie, of course) anytime any day! They are great!

  3. I LOVE the title of your date. I am also a HP NERD!! Planning costumes now for the midnight showing of the last movie. Always wondered if that restaurant was worth a try - now we know!!
