Friday, May 13, 2011

DRIVEby Dating and BACKYARD Date

Date #19 & #20

Another week of double dates!  We are getting good at this!  :)  Ok, Date #19 was planned, but we got lucky with #20.  Here's the story:

D wanted to go look at cars for our date this week.  I obliged cause it was FOR SURE his turn to pick.  We have been going back and forth about getting a new car and I had recently called off the search.  But I literally went along for the ride cause D was so excited about this car on KSL and I actually love just driving in the car along with the hubby (and FREE dates rock!).  Turns out, it will probably go down as the most expensive date for us ever - past and possibly future (although the actual date was free, so that's what the label will be).  We LOVED the car!!  Had everything we thought we NEEDED (all wheel drive, more room for peeps - 6 passenger, good gas mileage, great price) and everything we WANTED (dual climate control, leather seats, DVD player . . .  etc).  D is one smart guy and he said he knew I would love it and he was right!  So we bought it (the actual purchase took a couple days, but the decision was made on our date).  Something exciting about major purchases that brings you closer together - and we will be reminded of this date night every time we get in the car! 


Second date of the week was a random last minute invite from D's little brother to join his planned first date with a girl we sort of set him up with (he lives in the basement, her family is in the ward).  He took her to dinner and then they came back to our place.  I missed the game of Croquet getting the little ones in bed (D played for both of us) but plugged in the monitor outside and made it for the movie projected on a sheet on the side of our house.  We broke out the fire pit and had smores (I had Ritz Crackers with a roasted marshmallow cause its the BEST) and cuddled in the camping chairs while watching The A-Team (funny, entertaining, good flick) and had good conversation and laughs.  We loved being there to watch the connection of the first date couple (with such HIGH HOPES it will work out for them - and grateful we are done with FIRST dates :)!!! 
Had a great time - and to J&D, M&R, and C&B - it is a MUST to do again with our dating groupees!  SOOOO much fun!!

 As we were going to bed, D turned to me and said - "Isn't it so great we had TWO really fun dates this week!"  I love that he knows and he CARES about our dating efforts (even if the planning effort tends more often than not to fall on the side of the wife, its the CARING part that is important to me!) - and I think my fellow dating ladies would same the same of their husbands!


  1. fun dates! congratulations on the new car! and the movie date looked like so much fun. i definitely want to join you for a repeat.

    i think we need to get some of those two-dates-in-one-week in, so we can catch up with everyone else. : )

    i'm still waiting for B to tell me he loves our dates, but he at least seems to enjoy himself when we're out so that's a start. : )

  2. Remember how every summer we keep trying to do a projector movie?! Now I'm totally excited about doing it even more!!! Wow! So fun! Love the pictures!
