Monday, May 23, 2011


Date #13
Self Defense

I took this six-week self defense class (organized by the police department) and all of the material that we covered over those six weeks came together for our very last class, when our husbands got to come! My first thought? DATE NIGHT!!

Maybe it's a little unconventional, but it fits my criteria- an activity without the kids.


To be honest, I was really nervous about this last class and really anxious to get it over with. My husband is not a weak man. I've had enough experience at home, playing around, to know that I WILL get hurt if I really try to fight him. So, it was with a bit of reluctance, that we dropped the kids off with the babysitter, and headed to Date #13, but I WAS excited to spend some time with him and to show him what I had learned.

{Katty and David}

We started out with the guys holding the pads and the girls punching and kicking in 1 minute intervals. After the 5th time through (the instructor was TRYING to wear us out, to make it more realistic) I was exhausted. THEN we switched, and B punched and kicked ME!

Oh. my. goodness!

I was doing everything I could just to stay on my feet. I had to get a little angry at B, and tell him to back off. He looked at me like I was crazy and said he was only doing it halfway!

Whaaat! Thank goodness he's nice to me. That's all I have to say.


I felt a little more confident when we did the REAL fighting, where he had me on the ground and I had to get him off of me and stand up, but I was sooooo exhausted by the end of the night and still have bruises on my shoulders from some of the 'on the ground' stuff we did. We were used to doing this with other girls, so it was a big change to go against a man.

Not to mention, I think the other husbands were being a little nicer to their wives. I'm just sayin'.

We ended with a couple rounds of the 'circle of love'- one person is in the middle and everyone else is in a circle with pads. The one in the middle throws in punches, kicks, elbows. . . .anything they want, at each person, but at any time, someone can come out of the circle and attack you. It's safe to say that i was completely out of steam after the second round of that. Thank goodness the class was over!


Despite getting a little beat up, I had a lot of fun doing something physical with my husband. This was definitely not an activity we've ever done together, so I really liked trying something new, that took us out of our comfort zones. And I think he was proud of me for doing it. ; )


  1. Those look like positions D and I have been in....laughing....I'm not sending out any innuendos here, I promise! D likes to wrestle me DOWN. :) Its fun until he gets me in some fancy hold where my eyes start to see stars.

    I love the pictures! I love that you are so tough! Great date night and congrats for taking and mastering the class! :)
