Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Play Date. . . .

Date #12

When you're married with children, there's a certain amount of adult-ness that you have to maintain. I mean, the dishes HAVE to get washed, the kids NEED to be bathed, the bills MUST get paid. . . .

So I decided it was time for a little child's play. Just for one night.

We went to Blickenstaff's- an adorable vintage toy/candy store.

I wasn't sure how much of a success this date would be, having never been there before, but all of my worries were soon brushed aside, when I walked in the door and stepped into every child's dream, complete with train tracks suspended from the ceiling, candy-lined walls, giant teddy bears, a Christmas tree completely made of candy, and a monstrous rocking horse in the middle of the store.

bonus: There was a PHOTO BOOTH!
Can I just say how much I L.O.V.E photo booths!!

There's a special place in my heart for these machines. Every time I'm with B and we see one, I get all excited and giddy. We still have a photo strip from about ten years ago, pre-marriage and kids. We just couldn't pass it up (even if it was a little overpriced).

A little keepsake from our date together.
We had so much FUN being kids again, discovering new toys left and right, and we found all kinds of things we'd like to go back for around Christmas/birthday time. But we couldn't leave THIS time, without getting a few treats and some toys for our boys. It turned out to be a GREAT DATE.


  1. I LOVE that store. They really have the coolest stuff. Fun fun! Great idea for a date night, C!

  2. Where is this magical place?? I think I need to go!!

  3. T, it's at The Riverwoods. You definitely need to check it out. I want to go back with the boys. They'd love it!
