Friday, June 10, 2011

Parade of Homes

Date #23
Parade of Homes
For our date this week J hooked us up with tickets to the Parade of Homes. (Thank you Thank you!) I've always wanted to go and thought date night would be the perfect opportunity.

We checked out four houses and they ranged from nice/reasonable to luxurious/unrealistic. I liked the fact that R and I were both on the same page with what we liked and what we would want. Walking through the luxurious dream houses, we both thought it was fun too see, but agreed that we wouldn't want to ever raise our kids in a house so big that we would never know where the heck our kids were and we wouldn't want them to have SO much privacy.

That being said, R really liked the golf simulator, and I liked the theater rooms. We both loved the showers with multiple shower heads on the walls and ceiling. Perfect to accommodate two.

Mostly though, we just had a good time driving around and hanging out.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! We wanted to go, but then decided we did not need to add to our already super long and growing list of things to do to our house quite yet - cause I totally would. :)
