Saturday, June 18, 2011

Team Support!!

date #25

Being married is the greatest team sport I will ever play!!  And D was so awesome this week to come support me in one of my hobbies.  He got his parents to watch the girls while he came to the finish linw of the Ragnar to see my team finish.  He brought me some flowers and just having him there to lean on (I was EXHAUSTED) was exactly what I needed.  We grabbed some grub at Cafe Rio on the way home.  I was a little loopy and its possible I fell asleep in the car a couple times, but it was so nice to have some time with the hubby before rushing back into mommy mode. 


  1. woo-hoo, tam!!

    that's sweet that he was there to cheer you on and support you. what a good husband!

  2. YAY TAM! I'm so proud of you! I can't believe it has already been a whole year since we did it together! Hopefully we can do it NEXT year together! :) Unless you have a baby....but you said that last year...
