Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Porter's Place

Date #24

D and I typically try to steer clear of spending our date nights just sitting at a restaurant...and this is for three main reasons.

1--we make pretty awesome food at home for a fraction of the price of going out
2--we really want to do things that are active (aka burning calories instead of consuming them)
and 3--though we have great conversation over a meal, we prefer to chat without food in our mouths

BUT, sometimes dinner is what we want to do for date night, and that was the case for date #24.
So, we found a restaurant that we had heard of and wanted to go check out, and we WENT.

Porter's Place is a restaurant once owned by Porter Rockwell, himself and is located on Lehi's Mainstreet. I had looked up the menu, and studied reviews and thought it looked like a perfect place to spend our evening---but when we got there we discovered it was a little different than we had expected.

We thought it would be a little classier, busier, and cleaner
We thought the food would be fresher, more flavorful, and more authentic

But we still had a good time.
D liked his food just fine and I was glad to finally see what the place was all about, but we both agreed that we probably wouldn't need to ever visit Porter's Place again.

Lucky for us, we have other options for a date out to dinner.
But MOST lucky for us is the fact that no matter what we do together, we seem to have a great time.
Yay for dating.


  1. I'm sad that the place wasn't cooler and that the food wasn't so great! I keep thinking about the anniversary date that R and I went on right after I had Ally...it was just a few weeks after she was born. We went to this new-ish restaurant in Rexburg and while we were eating our (not very great) dinner, they started vacuuming. Ummm...how professional is that? It was not the most romantic date we've ever had. We still laugh about that.

  2. aww, too bad it didn't live up to your expectations, but now you know for the future. i try not to do too many 'eating out' dates, too, but it's kind of hard when you love food as much as we do. one of our favorite dates is trying out a new restaurant.

    mindy, i love that story about your anniversary. so funny. nothing kills the mood like a vacuum.
