Friday, June 24, 2011

Ticket to Ride

Date #25
Ticket to Ride

What happened to the time last week? I was making some cookies and R was watching TV. Suddenly, it dawned on me that we hadn't had a date. We are having so much fun enjoying this summer weather with our kids, that I guess we weren't dying for our date night.

BUT...we aren't going to break our dating streak. So I finished up the no-bake cookies and we picked out a game out of our teeny game stash. Ticket to Ride. We like that game! R won and he wouldn't have it any other way. He is very competitive. I am very not (although I do rub it in his face when I win to drive him crazy).

It was not a very well-thought out date, but at least we did it right? Otherwise, R would have continued watching TV. I would have finished the cookies and gone upstairs to the computer to check facebook and blogs or something. Then we would have gone to bed, probably at different times.

Instead we spent the night together, next to each other, focused on each other and what we were doing together. And I'd call that success!

1 comment:

  1. i agree. that IS a success. same thing happened to us last week, and i was just happy that we made the effort. even if it WASN'T the most well-thought out date, it was time well spent.
